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Always the curious and outgoing child, in my youth, ranging from a newfound way to come into my own personality, art has had such a strong impact on my life.


Whether it was watching other people around me create or learning how to hone those techniques myself, I can now find art as something (relatively) relaxing, therapeutic, and cathartic. Even though it took me a while and overcoming quite a few hurdles - particularly a very drawn-out state of artist’s block - to understand that not all of my art needs to be perfect, my journey as an artist has helped shape me into a more positive and mature person.


I believe that the process of creation is an important aspect of my life and who I am as a person. We all need constructive outlets, and I have found one that has brought me fulfillment and growth. 


This website shows some of my favorite pieces that I have created over the years, and have grown to be very meaningful to my time as an artist.

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